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My Biggest Pay It Forward Challenge To Date

As a marketing communications professional and social media maven, I work with clients on a variety of projects, helping to get the word out about a new product, service or initiative. I’m always striving to do good work and pay it forward whenever possible.

Now, I’m faced with my biggest marketing communications challenge to date: promoting my wife’s Indigiegogo campaign to help her get a service dog.

You see, my wife Stephanie has civilian PTSD that causes panic attacks, nightmares and an inability to be in crowds. I won’t go into the whys or the specifics; you can read that in the link below. But we both believe in our hearts that a service dog will help her tremendously and allow her to return to a career as a public speaker.

Along the way I am trying to apply all the experience and knowledge I have accumulated as a marcom pro – sharing with influencers, telling her story to connect with our audience. It’s been an interesting journey.

Of course, there’s an “ask,” it’s an Indigiegogo campaign after all! Take a moment to watch this amazing animation video that tells her story:

Then, head over to to learn more, share with colleagues and friends, and possibly participate.

Thanks for Paying it Forward!


Chuck Hester is the Chief Communications Officer for Big Think Innovation, a business architect consultancy that helps companies plan, grow and build their futures. He is also a LinkedIn trainer and speaker, helping businesses get the most out of LinkedIn, while teaching them how to communicate effectively. Contact him directly at

Need help with LinkedIn? Feel free to message Chuck and ask about one-on-one and group LinkedIn Executive Training.



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